Can this be reapers official voice please?
5/5 for arm wiggle death blossom
Can this be reapers official voice please?
5/5 for arm wiggle death blossom
Haha, thank you, I'll let you know if blizzard contacts me
Jokes about menstration just aren't funny.
BOOOO. Boo you! You're just the worst!
Oh my Goodness!
I sure hope there's gonna be a next one.
Btw Nice goku voice dude :)
thanks, i was worried it would not be convincing but turns out all you gotta do is sound super excited
I really like this :) Put me in a good mood, and I'm diggin that track!
How long did it take you to complete?
Looking forward to more!
Probably a combined 60 hrs total. Worked on it over the course of 2 weeks, although the first doodle was drawn back in 2009. Glad you enjoyed it!
As an African Myself... I'm pretty offended
Johnnyutah, Stamper, Swain, RomeoJr, Oney, And the rest
I was big fan of you guys... but this is really crossing the line...
Of all things you talented people could have collaborated on
someone suggested "Hey, What if we made a collab of dirty, smelly, prickly, ugly, fat africans talking to each other. Africans are funny right?" Thus resulting on "this." Im so tempted to make a collab about white people now thanks to this.
Really... I am quite disappointed with all of you. And Im not just saying that because I am from Africa, if I was a white guy i would Still find this offensive. At the VERY least Tom, Happy Harry, and some others didn't take part of this-- otherwise I would have to leave newgrounds all together.
Anyways, Im sure you've gotten lots of complaints about this already, and I am just one more person. But let me just say this: In the future, if you guys dont want to get slammed over this shit-- keep it un-racist.
why don't you dust the chips off your shoulder and watch it again, you might get it the second time around
tell sharpton i said hi
What kind of loser makes original music videos?
Beautiful work. Thats all there is to it.
If your a loser, I don't know what tha hell I am XD
Hee hee.. or look at it this way we're both winners and maybe you're a bigger winner than me! Thanks for the review XD
Is that the guy from that skii game on pc? Like... the windows 95 game?
...Whatev, I'm giving you a 10 anyways
You bet it is because Ski Free was in fact the greatest game ever created.
... I get the feeling you don't like transformers very much @_@ heheh
on the contrary
*shakes in fear*
--What The hell is in those things?
Liquefied fun! and Terror!
Such a good idea, brilliant stuff! Keep it coming man!
Oh I will.
Don't mind me, just passing through...
Age 35, Male
Joined on 3/9/09